Water shortage in South Africa’s Western Cape province - Earth.com

Water shortage in South Africa’s Western Cape province


Water shortage in South Africa’s Western Cape province Today’s Video of the Day comes from the European Space Agency (ESA) and features a look at shrinking water levels at the Theewaterskloof Dam in South Africa’s Western Cape province.

The dam provides a vital source of water for homes and agricultural practices in the area. As a result of reduced water levels, production of wine grapes has dropped by 20 percent and production of grain has dropped more than 36 percent. Where in south africa is hard water a problem. Most water in South Africa are considered hard. Water boiling pots and kettles are encrusted with calcium deposits on the inside, most of the underlying strata are rich in calcium deposits.

Scientists estimate that it will take a least three years of solid winter rainfall to return to the dam to its normal level. Yes, South Africa is an extremely water scarce country, comparable to conditions in the middle east, primarily because it has generally low and erratic rainfall (its annual average rainfall of 464 mm is almost half that of the global average of 860, and it is highly unevenly distributed.

In addition to the scarce water resources, South Africa also faces energy shortages within a system that is dominated by fossil fuel generation, as well as challenges with regard to food security. That’s why their is always water rationing and again because of capitalism it’s the poor who are much affected. The same thing goes to electricity. The reason why water shortages in Africa is easily visible is because of lack of infrastructure, we don’t have piped water except in Cities and towns.

By Rory Arnold, Earth.com Staff Writer

Video Credit: European Space Agency (ESA)

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