The Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Europe -

The Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Europe


Today’s Video of the Day from the European Space Agency features the Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Europe. The peninsula includes the mainlands of Sweden, Norway and the northwestern area of Finland.

Spanning about 1,150 miles, the Scandinavian Peninsula is the largest peninsula in Europe.

“The name of the peninsula is derived from the term Scandinavia, the cultural region of Denmark, Norway and Sweden,” reports ESA.

The peninsula is surrounded by the Barents Sea in the north, the Norwegian sea to the west and the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic Sea to the east. Most of the population is concentrated in the southern part of the peninsula, which is the agricultural region. 

Around 25 percent of the peninsula is located north of the Arctic Circle, and the northernmost point is Cape Nordkyn.

Image/ Video Credit: ESA

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

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