The evolution of megalodon's teeth - The evolution of megalodon's teeth

The evolution of megalodon's teeth


The evolution of megalodon’s teeth Today’s Video of the Day from the National Science Foundation presents 50 million years of shark evolution in just three teeth. 

University of Florida doctoral student Victor Perez studies fossil sharks with an emphasis on megalodon, the largest shark that ever lived. As seen above in the video is The evolution of megalodon’s teeth This behaviour is called intrauterine cannibalism. In the wild, it’s thought megalodons would have eaten whales but could have probably preyed on any creature they wanted. A full megalodon skeleton has never been found because their cartilaginous bones don’t preserve well.

Perez shows the progression in tooth shape that allowed megalodon to have the “ultimate cutting tool.” The largest megalodon tooth ever to have been discovered is 18.4 centimeters (7.25 in) in length: that’s almost three times longer than a great white shark’s tooth. Locating any megalodon tooth is a great find, and anything over 4 inches is rare and valuable. These teeth can go for as much as several thousand dollars each on the auction Web site eBay, depending on the size and the location where it was unearthed. In total, Megalodon had 46 front row teeth, 24 in the upper jaw and 22 in the lower. Most sharks have at least six rows of teeth, so a Megalodon had about 276 teeth at any given time.

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Video Credit: Florida Museum of Natural History

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