Earth from space: Syracuse, Sicily - Earth from space: Syracuse, Sicily

Earth from space: Syracuse, Sicily


Earth from space: Syracuse, Sicily Today’s Video of the Day comes from the European Space Agency’s Earth from Space series and features a look at Syracuse, Sicily.

The city of Syracuse is over 2,700 years old and is located on the southeast corner of Sicily. As of 2016, the city had population of 122,051 full-time residents.

The region experiences a hot-summer Mediterranean climate with dry summers and wet winters. The 17th century destruction changed the appearance of Syracuse forever, as well as the entire Val di Noto, whose cities were rebuilt along the typical lines of Sicilian Baroque, considered one of the most typical expressions of the architecture of Southern Italy. The spread of cholera in 1837 led to a revolt against the Bourbon government.

Syracuse, Sicily. The city is notable for its rich Greek history, culture, amphitheatres, architecture, and as the birthplace of the preeminent mathematician and engineer Archimedes. This 2,700-year-old city played a key role in ancient times, when it was one of the major powers of the Mediterranean world.  

Also the history of Syracuse was settled about 734 bc by Corinthians led by the aristocrat Archias, and the city soon dominated the coastal plain and hill country beyond. A Valley of Temples. By Agrigento the ancient Greek city Akragas included a large sacred area with seven monumental Doric temples. Therefore this city is one of the most important destinations in Sicily together with Taormina and Palermo.  Syracuse is a place related to both art and torture and there is a lot of history in this city. You can also find that there is a lot of cool culture from the whole city from back in the day to the new times as well. It will show you in the video above the amazing views from space and the terrain it has cauputured.

By Rory Arnold,

Video Credit: European Space Agency

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