Observing the outer planets - Earth.com

Observing the outer planets


Observing the outer planets Today’s Video of the Day from NASA Goddard describes the Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) project,  which was designed to obtain to help experts investigate the atmospheric dynamics and evolution of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Yearly observations from Hubble will provide an important series of images that can be studied by planetary scientists. Here we explain the characteristics of the outer planets : Although they are further from the Sun, they are all within the solar system. The outer planets are also known as gaseous planets , since they do not have a solid surface. The outer planets are also known as giant planets , since their size is much larger than that of the inner planets. Like the Inner Planets, the Outer Planets share similarities but each also has its own unique characteristics. As well as all being huge and being made up mostly of gases , all four have rings spinning around them, with Saturn having the most famous rings. All four planets also have large numbers of moons orbiting them.  Observing the outer planets shown in the video above will show you the mission schedule events.

Video Credit: NASA Goddard 

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Staff Writer

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