NASA satellites monitor Bush Fire - NASA satellites monitor Bush Fire

NASA satellites monitor Bush Fire


NASA satellites monitor Bush Fire Today’s Video of the Day from NASA Goddard describes the role of Earth-observing satellites in helping detect and monitor wildfires such as the Bush Fire in Arizona. 

On June 13, 2020, a burning car ignited the Bush Fire on State Route 87 about 30 miles northeast of Phoenix. By June 30, the Bush Fire had become one of the five largest fires in the history of Arizona, burning more than 193,000 acres.

Arizona is dealing with multiple wildfires across the state. The Bighorn Fire northeast of Tucson, which was caused by lightning, has burned at least 115,000 acres. Gusty winds have made  firefighting efforts extremely challenging this week. The Missions for Monitoring Global Fires.

Therefore the  satellites provide observation and measurement capabilities for monitoring different fires. Therefore the types such as areas that are dry and susceptible to wildfire outbreak, actively flaming and smoldering fires, burned area, and smoke and trace gas emissions. Therefore  NASA will provide data that can be used to detect active fires and thermal anomalies, such as volcanoes, and gas flares.

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Video Credit: NASA Goddard

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