NASA reveals what you can find in the August sky -

NASA reveals what you can find in the August sky


Today’s Video of the Day from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory features some tips for skywatchers in August 2022. 

The morning quartet of planets will come to an end in August – with Venus and Saturn making their exits on opposite sides of the sky. Mars and Jupiter, however, will remain visible. 

“The daily parade of four naked-eye planets in the mornings comes to an end this month. But there are still lots of great highlights, especially if you have access to binoculars,” says NASA. “Plus, Saturn and Jupiter are returning to nighttime skies!” 

“The outlook for the Perseid meteors isn’t great due to a full moon on the peak night of August 12, but still it’s worth keeping an eye out for early Perseids after midnight the week before. And August is a great month to learn an easy-to-spot constellation – Cygnus the swan.”

Video Credit: NASA JPL

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

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