Nairobi from space - Nairobi from space

Nairobi from space


Nairobi from space Today’s Video of the Day from the European Space Agency features the African city of Nairobi from space.

Over the last 30 years, the population of Nairobi has increased substantially, and the city now has over three million people.

As rural residents flock to the city, there are many economic benefits as well as environmental challenges.

In this photograph, the flat plains of Nairobi National Park contrast with the densely populated urban area.

The dark patch to the west of the city is the Ngong Forest, while the dark Karura Forest is visible in the north.

This image was captured on February 3, 2019 by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission.

Also during the pre-colonial era, the people of Kenya lived in villages along with their tribes and cultures where they had rulers within their communities rather than a president and lived amongst that ruler in the colony. Also some history on Nairobi In 1921, Nairobi had 24,000 residents, of which 12,000 were native Africans. The next decade saw growth in native African communities in Nairobi, and they began to constitute a majority for the first time. As shown above in the video is Nairobi from space.

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Video Credit: European Space Agency

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