Los Cabos on the Baja California Peninsula - Earth.com

Los Cabos on the Baja California Peninsula


Los Cabos on the Baja California Peninsula Today’s Video of the Day from the European Space Agency features Los Cabos, Mexico, on the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The region encompasses two cities: Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo.

Between the two cities, the Los Cabos Resort Corridor stretches around 30 kilometers along the coast. The Corridor consists of beaches, hotels, resorts, and golf courses. 

The climate of Cabo San Lucas is tropical desert, with over 320 days of sunshine each year. The winter months from December to March are pleasantly warm, while the summer months from May to October are hot.
Also there is a  number of the large houses in the center date from the 19th century, and majority of these have been turned into and renovated into restaurants, art galleries and shops selling everything from fine handcrafts, silver, local gemstones and souvenirs. There is also a very large art scene in the town that has turned into a large developed scene because of tourism and people with vacation homes. These shops carry high end paintings and sculptures from traditional Mexican, Mexican contemporary and international artisans and artists

Video Credit: ESA 

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Staff Writer

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