Learning about our place in the universe - Earth.com

Learning about our place in the universe


Learning about our place in the universe Video of the Day from the European Space Agency describes how missions of the past, present and future help us to understand the universe. 

Scientists collect large amounts of data from space missions. By combining various datasets and observations, we can learn how objects in the sky are changing and evolving.

Launched in February of 2020, Solar Orbiter is a mission that will address big questions about our solar system, including how the sun’s magnetic field is generated.  Five weird theories of what lies outside the universe. A theory proposed by physicist Lee Smolin, known as the fecund universes theory, suggests that every black hole in our universe causes the formation of a new universe.

One of the biggest questions about our universe is how it all began. The James Webb Space Telescope will allow scientists to take a look far into the past, revealing objects as they appeared billions of years ago. There has to be life outside of our universe.

There is an incredible number of planets and stars and galaxies beyond our own;a number far beyond human comprehension. Our evolution is imperfect and flawed, yet we have still become the most powerful and intelligent species within millions and millions of miles. There has to be life outside of our universe. There is an incredible number of planets and stars and galaxies beyond our own;a number far beyond human comprehension. Our evolution is imperfect and flawed, yet we have still become the most powerful and intelligent species within millions and millions of miles.

Video Credit: ESA

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Staff Writer

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