Human activities are dramatically affecting the climate -

Human activities are dramatically affecting the climate


Human activities are dramatically affecting the climate Today‘s Video of the Day from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory describes how human activities are dramatically affecting the Earth’s atmosphere and climate.

An international team of scientists led by Manish Shrivastava has analyzed unpolluted air samples collected over the Amazon rainforest and compared them to polluted air samples collected nearby.

The researchers discovered that human-caused pollution triggers the production of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) to a much larger extent than previously thought. Human activities are dramatically affecting the climate as seen above in video showing the dramtic turn the earth has taken over the times of the atmosphere being affected by the day to day living of others that mat affect the earth and terrain, air, and space in general. Therefore even just the smallest particles can cause damage over time in the world, causing pollution and alot of different causes in the world of pollution, bacteria and so forth are due to the human populatio growing. 

SOAs are tiny particles that have a big impact on our climate because they can reflect or absorb sunlight, help to form clouds, and alter rainfall patterns. The particles also influence how carbon flows between the land and the atmosphere.  Human health is vulnerable to climate change. The changing environment is expected to cause more heat stress, an increase in waterborne diseases, poor air quality , and diseases transmitted by insects and rodents . Extreme weather events can compound many of these health threats.

“The impact of pollution in creating secondary organic aerosols has been very difficult to tease out,” said Shrivastava. “Our findings indicate the earth’s atmosphere in many continental locations has already been substantially altered by human activities, and there’s a much larger and widespread impact than has been appreciated.”
The study is published in the journal Nature Communications.

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer
Video Credit: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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