Hubble is unraveling mysteries of the universe For the last three decades, the Hubble Space Telescope has helped scientists explore some of the biggest unknowns in the universe.
Today’s Video of the Day from NASA Goddard describes how Hubble is helping to unravel the mystery of dark energy and dark matter.
With the help of other telescopes, Hubble has revealed that the expansion of the universe has been accelerating for the last few billion years. This is being driven by a phenomenon known as dark energy. Astronomers have measured the rate of of the universe’s expansion by using ground-based telescopes to study relatively nearby supernova explosions. Expected and unexpected motions of thrown stones and Hubble’s universe.
Hubble will continue to help experts gain a better understanding of the expansion rate of the universe. How astronomers are unraveling the mysteries of the oldest galaxies in the universe A youthful universe. After 30 years, Hubble is still revealing new mysteries of the universe. Operating far past its expected life span, the telescope captures data. Also as shown above the Hubble is unraveling mysteries of the universe as well as showing the energy.
Image Credit: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Video Credit: NASA Goddard
By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer