High-tide flooding is increasing along the U.S. East Coast

High-tide flooding is increasing along the U.S. East Coast


High-tide flooding is increasing along the U.S. East Coast Today’s Video of the Day from NASA Goddard describes a dramatic increase in high-tide flooding across the eastern coast of the United States.

While many people think of sea level rise as being a future issue, the effects are already visible in cities such as Annapolis, Boston, New York, Norfolk, Charleston, and Miami. 

High-tide flooding, also known as sunny day flooding, is becoming more common as a result of slightly higher sea levels combined with seawater that is expanding as the oceans become warmer. High-tide flooding is increasing along the U.S. East Coast

An analysis of 52 tide gauges in communities stretching from Portland, Maine to Freeport, Texas shows that most of these communities will experience a steep increase in the number and severity of tidal flooding events over the coming decades, with significant implications for property, infrastructure, and daily life in affected areas.

Annapolis, Maryland, in particular, has seen a major increase in floods over the past few years. City engineers are collaborating with a team from the Naval Academy to analyze data from NOAA and NASA and develop flood mitigation strategies. ” High-tide flooding is increasing along the U.S. East Coast as shown above in video showing you the impact of tide.

There are a lot of wet spots emerging, and they’re getting worse, deeper, more widespread at a fairly rapid clip.” While West Coast and Gulf Coast cities including San Diego, Seattle, Galveston and Houston are being affected, the biggest increases in flood risk are concentrated on the East Coast.

A new report confirms that the number of days with hightide flooding is increasing in many U.S. cities assea levels rise.  King tides, boosted by sea-levelrise, are flooding communitiesalong the East Coast.  High tide floods along the US east coast have increased by 90% in the past 20 years, according to a recent study.  

Video Credit: NASA Goddard 

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Staff Writer

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