High intensity exercise can help you live longer - Earth.com

High intensity exercise can help you live longer


High intensity exercise can help you live longer Today’s Video of the Day from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology describes how high intensity exercise improves the health and lifespan of older adults. 

A team of researchers at NTNU conducted a five-year study that was focused on more than 1,500 volunteers between the ages of 70 and 79. 

The participants were divided into three groups who engaged in two weekly sessions of either: high intensity interval training (HIIT), moderate intensity continuous training (MICT), or following the Norwegian guidelines for physical activity. Therefore High intensity exercise can help you live longer. High intensity exercise can help you live longer as shown above.

“All cause mortality did not differ between the combined high and moderate intensity exercise group and the group following recommended physical activity guidelines,” wrote the study authors. They did find, however, that high intensity exercise led to the greatest overall health benefits. The times vary, based on a participant’s current fitness level. Furthermore, traditional HIIT was designed to be no longer than 20 seconds on with no more than 10 seconds off. This would bring in the anaerobic energy system. The intensity of HIIT also depends on the duration of the session.

“The findings suggest that future guidelines for physical activity, at least for older adults, should be more specific in requiring that at least part of the physical activity should be performed at high intensity.”

Video Credit: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Cardiac Exercise Research Group 

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Staff Writer

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