Heat waves threaten the survival of trees - Earth.com

Heat waves threaten the survival of trees


Heat waves threaten the survival of trees Today’s Video of the Day comes from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and features a look at how trees are affected by short-term extreme heat waves.

Climate change is projected to bring an increase in extreme weather and heat waves across the globe. According to the new research, entire trees are affected by the severe heat from leaf to root, and prolonged exposure can even threaten their overall health and survival.

The higher the air temperature, the more the tree transpires. Eventually, it reaches a point where it cannot absorb water from the soil fast enough to support the entire canopy. That’s when you’ll start to notice symptoms of heat stress. Also the affects Heat waves threaten the survival of trees as shown above in video can take a huge toll on the environment. 

Unfortunately, heat stress in trees can look a lot like drought, as well as common diseases that plague trees in our area, so often it can be hard to diagnose. If you’re not sure what’s happening to your trees, ask the Certified Arborists at Alpine Tree to inspect them and make a proper diagnosis.

By Rory Arnold, Earth.com Staff Writer

Video Credit: Jenny Woodbery/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy

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