Exploring Kiruna, Sweden's northernmost city - Earth.com

Exploring Kiruna, Sweden's northernmost city


Exploring Kiruna, Sweden’s northernmost city Today’s Video of the Day from the European Space Agency features Kiruna, which is the northernmost town in Sweden. The city has a population of 22,000 and is located in the province of Lapland about 145 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle. 

Kiruna is positioned on the eastern shore of Lake Luossa between the Kiruna and Luossa mountains. The rugged mountain landscape surrounding the city also features lakes and rivers.

Just to the east of Kiruna, the small town of Jukkasjärvi is best known for its annual ice hotel, which is constructed with snow and ice blocks from the Torne River.

Part of ESA’s tracking station network – Estrack – is located in Kiruna. The ground station has been operating for more than 30 years.  Kiruna is the northernmost town in Sweden, situated in the province of Lapland. It had 17,002 inhabitants in 2016 and is the seat of Kiruna Municipality (population: 23,167 in 2016) in Norrbotten County. Exploring Kiruna, Sweden’s northernmost city as shown above in video will also show how The entire town is in the process of moving, house by house, a little to the east.

Video Credit: ESA

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Staff Writer

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