Every Day is Earth Day at the European Space Agency - Earth.com

Every Day is Earth Day at the European Space Agency


Today’s Video of the Day from the European Space Agency features a closer look at planet Earth on the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day. 

The incredible photo of Earth featured in today’s video was captured on March 23, 2022 by Meteosat Second Generation series of missions.

“Satellites provide essential information for everyday applications, improving agricultural practices, to help when disasters strike, and thanks to the Meteosat series, provide crucial data for weather forecasting,” reports ESA.

“Given that extreme weather and severe storms pose significant and increasing hazards to society, the Meteosat satellites provide detailed, full disc imagery over Europe and Africa every 15 minutes and rapid scan imagery over Europe every five minutes.”

“This imagery is crucial for nowcasting, which is about detecting rapidly high impact weather and predicting its evolution a few hours ahead, in support of the safety of life and property. These observations are also used for weather forecasting and climate monitoring.”

According to ESA, the Meteosat missions have guaranteed the continuous flow of data for weather forecasting since 1977,  and will soon usher in a new era of weather and climate monitoring with Meteosat Third Generation (MTG).

“The third generation will not only guarantee the continuity of data for weather forecasting, but offer significant enhancement of the current imager capabilities, an all-new infrared sounding capability and real-time lightning imaging for early detection of severe storms as they develop.”

Video Credit: ESA

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Staff Writer

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