A crash course in eclipses - Earth.com A crash course in eclipses

A crash course in eclipses


A crash course in eclipses Get ready! Tomorrow Monday August 21, 2017 marks the arrival of the Great American Total Solar Eclipse. Today’s Video of the Day comes from NASA Goddard and features a crash course in everything you need to know about eclipses. Keep it locked to Earth.com for more on the history of eclipses and how to watch the big total solar eclipse tomorrow.

During a total solar eclipse, the disk of the moon blocks out the last sliver of light from the sun, and the sun’s outer atmosphere, the corona, becomes visible. The corona is far from an indistinct haze; skywatchers report seeing great jets and ribbons of light, twisting and curling out into the sky.

According to Timeanddate.com, although solar and lunar eclipses take place every year, solar eclipses still considered a rare sight, more so than lunar eclipses. The site reported, “a solar eclipse is only visible from a limited path on Earth, while a lunar eclipse is visible from every location on the night-side of the Earth while it lasts.”.

Because the shadow cast by the Earth is quite a bit larger than the Moon , lunar eclipses are more common than solar eclipses, and totality can last for about an hour. Nonetheless, the beauty of such events entices both professional and amateur astronomers alike to chase them all around the globe!


By Rory Arnold, Earth.com

Video Credit: NASA Goddard

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