Cloudy Earth from the International Space Station -

Cloudy Earth from the International Space Station


Today’s Video of the Day comes from ESA and features images of a cloudy Earth as captured by ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet on board the International Space Station.

Pesquet commented: “A timelapse flight over a cloudy part of the world, spot the International Space Station radiators top-right? Like our solar panels they move with us to keep our systems and the inhabitants inside at optimal temperature. They circulate ammonia, a toxic substance but very good at exchanging heat given off by our electrical systems. It works like a car radiator or a refrigerator, but uses heat radiation instead of convection to keep cool. In space, sunlight warms very quickly, but the shade is very cold: varying from -100°C to +100°C. The goal is to keep the solar panels in the sun and the ammonia radiators in the shade. We have the temperature set at a constant 23°C – except when certain people are on board and complain about how cold it is… it has been raised to 25°C before, true story! If you know that the Space Station always flies from west to east you can roughly know which way the camera was pointing in each timelapse… in this case: south!”

By Rory Arnold,

Source: ESA

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