Artificial intelligence can help detect earthquakes -

Artificial intelligence can help detect earthquakes


Artificial intelligence can help detect earthquakes Today’s Video of the Day comes from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and features a look at how artificial intelligence can help scientists detect and understand earthquakes.

While traditional methods can detect major earthquakes, they fail to pick up on smaller ones, such as those triggered by hydraulic fracturing.

Now, scientists are using artificial intelligence to pinpoint these quieter earthquakes in order to better understand those induced by humans. Such data can prove beneficial to predict the occurrence of earthquakes. For example, Google and Harvard are developing an AI system that can predict the aftershocks of an earthquake.

AI-based systems look for changes in the images to predict the risk of disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Moreover, these systems also monitor aging infrastructure. Artificial intelligence systems can detect deformations in structures, which can be used to reduce the damage caused by collapsing buildings and bridges, or subsiding roads.

Such data can prove beneficial to predict the occurrence of earthquakes. For example, Google and Harvard are developing an AI system that can predict the aftershocks of an earthquake.

By Rory Arnold, Staff Writer

Video Credit: Thibaut Perol, Michaël Gharbi, Marine Denolle (Harvard University, MIT CSAIL)

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