Massive alligator takes a stroll -

Massive alligator takes a stroll


Today’s Video Of The Day shows a massive alligator passing right by tourists while on a stroll through a nature center in Florida.

The alligator casually makes its way out of the bushes and slowly saunters across walkway on the nature reserve’s Marsh Rabbit Run. Human visitors can be seen quietly watching the gator just a few steps away.

Kim Joiner posted the video to the official Facebook group of Circle B. Bar Reserve – Polk Nature Discovery Center. The post has received over 7,000 reactions and 36,000 shares. Many comments noted the alligator’s resemblance to a dinosaur due to its unusual large body size. Some even joked that the video “looked like a scene out of Jurassic Park.” Joiner estimated the gator to be at least 12 feet long.

“I love Circle B. Nature at its best,” said Joiner in the post.

Joiner admits to having been “a little nervous,” but adds, “I saw it coming. I have been more scared when they just cross with no warning on Alligator Alley trail.”

The gator’s name is Humpback, and according to regular visitors, he has spent many years living at the park.

The center is located in Lakeland, Florida, 35 miles east of Tampa and 70 miles southwest of Orlando.

Video & Image Source: Kim Joiner, Circle B. Bar Reserve – Polk Nature Discovery Center

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