A combination of lime juice and sunlight can damage your DNA - Earth.com

A combination of lime juice and sunlight can damage your DNA


A combination of lime juice and sunlight can damage your DNA Today’s Video of the Day from the American Chemical Society describes how a combination of lime juice and sunlight actually damage your DNA.  

Compounds from lime juice called psoralens wedge their way into the DNA in a process called intercalation. On its own, intercalation has no adverse effects. 

However exposure to radiation in sunlight activates the psoralens, ultimately causing cells to basically self-destruct. When human skin is exposed to ultraviolet light and certain natural plant-derived substances, a skin condition called “phytophotodermatitis” can occur. This condition is frequently reported after skin exposure to the combination of sunlight and lime juice, and can include skin rashes, blistering, and dark pigmentation.

Video Credit: American Chemical Society 

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Staff Writer

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