NASA shares stunning images of Earth -

NASA shares stunning images of Earth


NASA shares stunning images of Earth Today’s Video of the Day from NASA Earth Observatory features some of the most stunning images of Earth that have ever been captured. 

Over the last six decades, astronauts have taken over 1.5 million photographs of our planet from the International Space Station and other spacecraft. 

Most of theses images have been catalogued by the Earth Science and Remote Sensing (ESRS) unit at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. 

In today’s video, members of the ESRS team and astronaut Jeff Williams share some of their favorite Earth images. 

Will Stefanov, an ISS program scientist for Earth Observations, describes incredible shots of auroras.

“The time-lapse imagery that we’ve been able to get of aurora is just fascinating to watch, and just strikingly beautiful,” said Stefanov. Therefore NASA shares stunning images of Earth as shown in the video above. Showing the beautiful views of the planet earth.

“Just to be able to see that process, seeing how the aurora shifts and moves like a live thing. And just knowing that for that particular stretch of time you are pretty much seeing what the crew saw in orbit.”

Video Credit: NASA Earth Observatory 

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

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