Tropical Cyclone Funso - Tropical Cyclone Funso

A close-up visible image of Tropical Cyclone Funso on January 25. Note how the western eyewall appears to be sloped as you ascend from the east to the west. This is likely a scan angle effect since the center of the VIIRS. And swath was a few hundred kilometers to the east of the storm. Therefore it’s also possible that the inner vortex is tilted to the west.

Although the Intense Tropical Cyclone Funso was a powerful tropical cyclone. Therefore  produced flooding in Mozambique and Malawi in January 2012. Also It was the eighth tropical cyclone, the sixth named storm and the second tropical cyclone to form during the 2011–12. And the South-West Indian Ocean cyclone season. Although the Funso was also the first intense tropical cyclone since Gelane in 2010.And the first storm to affect Mozambique since Jokwe in 2008.

Credit: NOAA/NESDIS/STAR/RAMMB and the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere

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