The Rud-e-Gaz and Rud-e-Hara rivers -

The Rud-e-Gaz and Rud-e-Hara rivers. Today’s Image of the Day from the European Space Agency a remote area in southern Iran that includes the Rud-e-Gaz and Rud-e-Hara rivers.

The river wetlands and deltas have a variety of tidal mudflats, creeks, saltmarshes, mangroves, sandbanks and offshore islands.

The region is an important site for wintering waterbirds.

Iranians have used their rivers to allow for the irrigation of their agricultural lands since ancient times. Modern dams on the Ab-e Dez, Karkheh, Karun, Sefid Rud, and other rivers provide irrigation to ever larger agricultural regions. Also they generate hydroelectricity for the countries steel companies, oil refineries, power plants and other industries. The Karun River is Iran’s only permanently navigable waterway, and it has been an important commercial waterway ever since oil was discovered in the region. The Sefid Rud and Diyala River Valleys are also important trade routes. The Sefid Rud River is notable for its massive quantities of fish, especially sturgeon and Caspian trout.

Many Biblical scholars believe that the Karun River was one of the four rivers of the Garden of Eden. Archaeological evidence confirms that this area was an important area for early human hunter-gatherers, as well as groups of Neanderthals,Deltas of Rud-e-Gaz & Rud-e-Hara. 23/06/75; Bandar-e Abbas; 15,000 ha; 26°40’N 057°20’E. An extensive complex of tidal mudflats, creeks, saltmarshes, mangroves, sandbanks and offshore islands at the mouth of two rivers. A remote area with sparse human population and an extremely arid, low-lying hinterland. The site is important for wintering waterbirds. Ramsar site no. 52. Most recent RIS information: 1997.

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Image Credit: ESA


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