Six-gill shark -

A six-gill shark slowly cruises around the camera on the ROV. The bluntnose sixgill shark, often simply called the cow shark.The bluntnose sixgill shark has a large body and long tail. The snout is blunt and wide, and its eyes are small.

There are 6 rows of saw-like teeth on its lower jaw and smaller teeth on its upper jaw. Skin color ranges from tan, through brown, to black. It has a light-colored lateral line down the sides and on the fins’ edges, and darker colored spots on the sides.

Also its pupils are black and its eye color is a fluorescent blue-green. The bluntnose sixgill shark can grow to 8 m (26 ft). Adult males generally average between 3.1 and 3.3 m (10 and 11 ft), while adult females average between 3.5 and 4.2 m (11 and 14 ft).


Sanctuary Quest 2002: April 24 – June 20, 2002

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