Sediments in Gulf of Mexico - gulf of mexico

Brightly-colored waters in the Gulf of Mexico indicate the presence of sediment, detritus, and blooms of marine plants called phytoplankton. A few scattered fires were detected throughout the country. Also  are marked in red in these true-color Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images from fall 2002.

Mexico is at lower left on September 27, then Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. By November, the bloom appears to have subsided everywhere except the Mississippi River Delta (right center edge.)

Therefore Sediment is widely spread throught Mexico. Although you can see a major area where it rapidly grows it has spread along the coast line. The fires that are scattered across the country too are widespread through the picture. Mexico is one country that has a massive marine life of phytoplankton and plant life. You will see that there is a lot of sea area full of these different sediments.  Also the imaging of satellite has shown the above image has had a massive amount of change through the years and that it will only continue to grow more. Therefore the Mississippi River has yet to have these blooms there does mean there is a risk of it spreading .

Credit: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

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