Powerful storm dumps snow in southern California - Earth.com

Powerful storm dumps snow in southern California

Today’s Image of the Day from NASA Earth Observatory features snow across the San Gabriel Mountains just north of Los Angeles on February 26, 2023. As a powerful winter storm moved down the West Coast, rare blizzard warnings were issued for the mountains, while surrounding areas experienced heavy rainfall and strong winds. 

“High-elevation areas saw blizzard conditions and large accumulations. A ski resort at an elevation of 7,000 feet recorded nearly 8 feet (2 meters) of snow, according to National Weather Service data. At lower elevations (5,000 – 6,000 feet), Mount Wilson, Lockwood Valley, and Frazier Park saw between 1-3 feet,” says NASA.

“Even low-elevation areas where snow is uncommon saw substantial accumulation. Two inches fell in La Crescenta (elevation 2,000 feet), a suburban community north of Los Angeles. Closer to sea level, Beverley Hills saw 6 inches of rain, and downtown Los Angeles saw 4 inches.”

Image Credit: NASA Earth Observatory

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Editor

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