Northern Madagascar Before Floods - Northern Madagascar

In January, two weeks of heavy rain inundated northern Madagascar just before the island was struck by Cyclone Fari. This series of images by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments aboard NASA.s Terra and Aqua satellites displays flooding in northwest Madagascar on January 31, 2003. Prior to being hit by the cyclone, floods throughout the country killed 13 people and forced several thousand from their homes.
In these false-color images, water is solid blue and black, land is green and brown, and clouds are light blue and white. Normally, the rivers and lakes in northwest Madagascar are much less swollen (December 6, 2002).

The area around Nosy Be is Madagascar’s premier beach destination. Therefore with more sea-based activities than you’ll have time to try, excellent seafood and idyllic scenery. It couldn’t be more different from the mainland. Also where arid plains are fringed with lush ylang-ylang plantations, and two top parks feature both strange geological formations and rainforest. As for the Sava region, those who make it to this isolated part of the country will be rewarded with vanilla-scented air and world-class mountain trekking. Northern Madagascar Before Floods shows an amazing green landscape and water way surrounding.

Credit: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

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