New database will help scientists monitor water quality -

New database will help scientists monitor water quality

New database will help scientists monitor water quality. New database will help scientists monitor water quality. Today’s Image of the Day from York University features Boundary Lake in Ontario’s Killarney Provincial Park.

Researchers at York University recently developed a water quality database for nearly 12,000 freshwater lakes worldwide, representing almost half of the world’s freshwater supply. The publicly available database will help scientists monitor and manage the health of these lakes.

“The database can be used by scientists to answer questions about what lakes or regions may be faring worse than others, how water quality has changed over the years and which environmental stressors are most important in driving changes in water quality,” said study co-lead author Alessandro Filazzola. 

The Arctic is characterized by cold winters and cool summers. Its precipitation mostly comes in the form of snow and is low, with most of the area receiving less than 50 cm (20 in). High winds often stir up snow, creating the illusion of continuous snowfall. Average winter temperatures can go as low. Ontario is one of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada. Located in Central Canada, it is Canada’s most populous province, with 38.3 percent of the country’s population, and is the second-largest province by total area (after Quebec).

Image Credit:  Amanda Liczner/ York University 

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

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