Mistastin Lake in Labrador, Canada - Earth.com

Mistastin Lake in Labrador, Canada Today’s Image of the Day from NASA Earth Observatory features Mistastin Lake in Labrador, Canada.

The Mistastin crater was created 36 million years ago when an asteroid smashed into Earth.

According to NASA, geologists estimate the original crater had a diameter of about 17 miles, which is about twice the size of the current lake. Mistastin crater is a meteorite crater in Labrador, Canada which contains the roughly circular Mistastin Lake. The lake is approximately 16 km in diameter, while the estimated diameter of the original crater is 28 km. The age of the crater is calculated to be 36.6 ± 2 million years.

Scientists report that based on the presence of cubic zirconia, the asteroid impact must have heated rocks at the site to at least 4,300 degrees Fahrenheit, which would be the hottest-known temperature recorded by a surface rock on Earth. 

The photograph of Mistastin Lake was cap

Mistastin crater was created 36 million years ago by a violent asteroid impact. The presence of cubic zirconia around the crater rim suggests that the impact generated temperatures in excess of 2,370 °C (4,300 °F) (halfway that of the surface of the Sun), the highest crustal temperatures known on Earth and produced global changes that lasted for decades after the impact.

Mishta-minishtikᐡ, the lake’s arcuate central island, is interpreted to be the central uplift of the complex crater structure. The target rocks were part of a batholith composed of adamellitemangerite and lenses of anorthosite. There are abundant shock metamorphic features exhibited in the rocks of the island. Planar deformation features, diaplectic glass, melt rocks, and shatter cones have been identified.

tured in the fall of 2017 by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8.

Image Credit: NASA Earth Observatory 

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Staff Writer

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