Floods in Tunisia and Algeria. Also in early January 2003, heavy rains in Tunisia led to floods that displaced over 3,000 people. The extent of the floods can be seen in these true- and false-color images acquired on January 4. (before flooding) and 19 (after flooding), 2003, by the MODIS instruments aboard NASA’s Terra and Aqua spacecrafts.
The most devastating floods occurred in the northern and central parts of Tunisia. Most of the houses affected were built of soil and provided ample protection from the normally hot. Also arid conditions. However, in the unusually heavy rains and floods of the past few weeks. Also these dwellings simply crumbled. Cattle and food stocks have also been lost.
Normally, the saltpans of Tunisia and Algeria contain little or no water, as can be seen in the images from acquired January 4, 2003. In the false-color image, water is blue and black. Snow. Although has also fallen in unusual abundance in the higher altitudes, appears as a bright cyan and can be seen along the Algerian mountains and ridges. Clouds appear as pale blue and white, and land is green and tan.
Situated on a large Mediterranean Sea gulf (the Gulf of Tunis), behind the Lake of Tunis and the port of, the city extends along the coastal plain and the hills that surround it.
. East of the medina through the Sea Gate (also known as the Bab el Bhar and the Porte de France) begins the modern city, or Ville Nouvelle, traversed by the grand Avenue Habib Bourguiba (often referred to by popular press and travel guides as “the Tunisian Champs-Élysées”), where the colonial-era buildings provide a clear contrast to smaller, older structures. Also Floods in Tunisia and Algeria are very common.
Credit: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC