Floods in Indochina - Earth.com Floods in Indochina

The Aqua MODIS instrument acquired this false-color image of floods inIndochina on October 20, 2002. The floods, shown in dark blue and black, are the result of heavy rains during themonsoon season. Floods are not unusual in this region, but this year´s have been particularly destructive anddeadly.

The monsoon season lasts from May to November. Flood damage has been particularly bad since 2000, whenCambodia (center) experienced its worst flooding in 70 years. These floods in Indochina have affected the country majorly.

The Tonle Sap lake in the center of Cambodia shows some flooding, as does the Mekong River flowing south from Laos(top right corner), past the southern edge of the Tonle Sap, and into southern Vietnam (bottom), where it forms theMekong River Delta. To the north of Cambodia is Thailand. In this image, clouds are light blue and white, water isdark blue and black, and solid land is bright green.

As shown in the image the dark green and lushness of this country shows the amount of water that falls down on this country and helps grow and keep the place beautiful and green. Monsoon season can be deadly ofcourse but leaves the agriculture growing and lush. Therefore the city is still affected terribly by getting pushed out by massive flooding and horrible stormy weather. These floods Indochina affect bad.

Credit: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

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