Fires and Smoke in New South Wales, Australia -

Fires and Smoke in New South Wales, Australia

Fires and Smoke in New South Wales, Australia. News reports from New South Wales, Australia, indicate that fire danger is high across the region and that as of October 7, 2002. Also 70 fires were burning across the state, 20 of which were out of control. These are true-color Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images. Therefore acquired by the Terra and Aqua MODIS instruments beginning on October 8, 2002.

Therefore show numerous fires (red dots) and heavy smoke, especially along the coast between Brisbane and Sydney. The fires burning in Sydney’s suburbs have already destroyed 10 homes. Fires continued to burn throughout the fall and into winter 2003.

Although these Fires and Smoke in New South Wales, Australia have overpowered the area they will try taking control of the fires. These satellite images help capture the amount of fire and smoke without having to get close.  Also you can see the widespread throughout the country of damage it will cause. Therefore leaving the country full of danger and bad air quality.  Also you will see the fires burning far into the year after the season of fires are over, these fires will continue to burn.

Credit: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

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