Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska -

Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska

The Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska spewing ash, steam, and gases high into the atmosphere, when this image was acquired on January 30, 2006. The eruption began on Friday, January 27. The volcano is located on an uninhabited island, located at roughly the center of the image.  This volcano is very active, and combined with its proximity to Anchorage. Therefore this  is one of the more serious natural hazards in the state of Alaska.

Ash poses a health risk as well as a danger to navigation.With closure of local airports earlier in the week. Previous major eruptions of the Augustine Volcano occurred in 1976 and 1986. The latter eruption blew ash into the air upwards of 14.5 kilometers. The series of islands for which Alaska is famous is a part of an island arc, a string of volcanoes that form above.

Therefore the plate moved over a column of hot magma or liquid rock and the islands were formed as the magma cooled into volcanic rock. Also  Augustine is a large, conical mountain formed from lava flow and volcanic ash. Just under half of all volcanic eruptions in the last 10,000 years have been from stratovolcanoes. Including Mt. St. Helens in 1980 and 2004-2005.

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