Dust from Iran and Pakistan streams over the Arabian Sea - Earth.com

Dust from Iran and Pakistan streams over the Arabian Sea

Today’s Image of the Day shows dust from Iran and Pakistan streaming over the Arabian Sea in late November 2016. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this true-color image of the event on November 22.

Multiple light tan plumes rose from the coast of Iran (west) and Pakistan (east) and blew to the southwest over the blue waters of the Arabian Sea. The plumes thinned and spread out before reaching the shores of Oman.

Specific source points for the dust plumes are not easily determined from this image. However, southwestern Pakistan and southeastern Iran both contain sandy deserts. Also, impermanent lakes sit along the borders between Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Deserts and dry lakebeds often provide rich sources for sand and dust storms.

Credit: NASA

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