Bazman Volcano in Southern Iran -

Today’s Image of the Day comes thanks to the NASA Earth Observatory and features a look at the Bazman Volcano in southern Iran.

The Bazman Volcano is located in a remote desert area 420 kilometers from the Arabian Sea and 120 kilometers northwest of Bampur. It is classified as a stratovolcano that is dormant, but not extinct.

The volcano’s summit sits 3,490 meters above sea level and features an explosion crater.

Bazman is also known as Kuh-i-Zindeh, which means “Mountain of the Living One.”

This image was captured by an astronaut on board the International Space Station.Bazman (Persianبزمان‎, also known as Kuh-e Bazman) is a dormant stratovolcano in a remote desert region of Sistan and Baluchestan Province in south-eastern Iran. A 500-m-wide crater caps the summit of the dominantly andesiticdacitic volcano, the flanks of which are covered by monogenetic centres especially to the northwest. Bazman is a geologically young volcano which formed mainly in the Quaternary, with the oldest dated rocks being 11.7 million years old and the youngest 0.6 million years. Although no historic eruptions have been reported from Bazman, it does contain fumaroles. Thus Bazman may be regarded as dormant, rather than extinct. Its satellite cones have been the source of basaltic lava flows.

By Rory Arnold, Staff Writer

Source: NASA Earth Observatory

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