The Apostle Islands of Lake Superior -

The Apostle Islands of Lake Superior

The Apostle Islands of Lake Superior Today’s Image of the Day comes thanks to the NASA Earth Observatory and features a look at the Apostle Islands of Lake Superior.

The National Lakeshore consists of 21 different islands in Lake Superior off the northern tip of Wisconsin.

This photo was captured by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on board Landsat 8.

The Apostle Islands are also known for their famous lighthouses. “Within the boundaries of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore is the largest and finest single collection of lighthouses in the country,” author F. Ross Holland wrote in Great American Lighthouses.The Apostle Islands are a group of 22 islands in Lake Superior, off the Bayfield Peninsula in northern Wisconsin. The majority of the islands are located in Ashland County—only Sand, York, Eagle, and Raspberry Islands are located in Bayfield County.

–The Islands National Lakeshore is a U.S. national lakeshore consisting of 21 islands and shoreline encompassing 69,372 acres on the northern tip of Wisconsin on the shore of Lake Superior. It is known for its collection of historic lighthouses, sandstone sea caves, a few old-growth remnant forests, and natural animal habitats. It is featured on the America the Beautiful Quarters series.

By Rory Arnold,

Source: NASA Earth Observatory

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