Blackskate, a grenadier, sponges and anemones - A Blackskate

Blackskate, a grenadier, sponges and anemones

A blackskate, a grenadier, sponges and anemones along the bottom of the sea floor.

First off the  blackskates know nothing except a consuming hatred of the living. These undead masses, shaped into the form of massive stingrays or mantas, rise from the depths to seek out warm-blooded prey.

Also More than 150 species have been described, in 17 genera. Also Skates are cartilaginous fishes like other Chondrichthyes, however, skates, like rays and other Rajiformes, have a flat body shape with flat pectoral fins that extend the length of their body.

Therefore a large portion of the skate’s dorsal body is covered by rough skin made of placoid scales. Placoid scales have a pointed tip that is oriented caudally and are homologous to teeth.

Their mouths are located on the underside of the body, with a jaw suspension common to Batoids known as euhyostyly.  Skate’s gill slits are located ventrally as well, but dorsal spiracles allow the skate to be partially buried in floor sediment and still complete respiratory exchange.

Also located on the dorsal side of the skate are their two eyes which allow for predator awareness.In addition to their pectoral fins, skates have a first and second dorsal fin, caudal fin and paired pelvic fins. Distinct from their rhomboidal shape is a long fleshy slender tail.

While skate anatomy is similar to other Batoidea, features such as their electric organ and mermaids purse create clear distinctions.  In addition to their pectoral fins, skates have a first and second dorsal fin, caudal fin and paired pelvic fins.

Distinct from their rhomboidal shape is a long fleshy slender tail. While skate anatomy is similar to other Batoidea, features such as their electric organ and mermaids purse create clear distinctions.

Lewis and Clark Legacy: June 26-July 13, 2001

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