Earth Operation IceBridge -

Google-Earth map showing the DC-8 test flight track over the Pacific Ocean during an IceBridge instrument test flight, Wednesday October 5, 2011. Credit: NASA/NSERC/Emily Schaller

At 165,250,000 square kilometers (63,800,000 square miles) in area. Also the largest division of the World Ocean—and, in turn, the hydrosphere—covers about 46% of Earth’s water surface and about one-third of its total surface area. Therefore making it larger than all of Earth’s land area combined. Therefore centers of both the Water Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere are in the Pacific Ocean. The equator subdivides it into the North Pacific Ocean and South Pacific Ocean. And with two exceptions: the Galápagos and Gilbert Islands, while straddling the equator, are deemed wholly within the South Pacific. Its mean depth is 4,000 meters (13,000 feet)

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