Earth GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) -

GPM Core Observatory Entering Thermal Vacuum Chamber. Engineers guiding the GPM Core Observatory into the TVAC chamber. Therefore the  air inside the chamber will be pumped out when testing begins to simulate the vacuum of space. Also the temperatures will be lowered to -10 degrees C (14F) and raised to above 40 degrees C (104F). To help simulate the range of temperatures the spacecraft will encounter as it orbits Earth. Also Testing will continue into early January, 2013.

TPS Thermal Product Solutions is a pioneer in the design and manufacturing of environmental test equipment. The Tenney Brand has been an industry leader since 1932. Our decades of experience, processes and procedures ensure quality and reliability of every test chamber or walk-in room we manufacture. Rest assured that you are purchasing a world-class piece of equipment built to perform and last.

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