Monitoring Earth Changes with the MODIS Instrument -

This MODIS Aqua image,Fires in South America captured on July 20th, 2006.
the image is mainly centered on the country of Paraguay.
The red dots show the locations of the active fires in the region, and in some cases, plumes of gray smoke are visible.

The fires are agricultural in nature – in the many parts of South America, biomass burning is concentrated during the months of July-October.

One such use of fire is to deforest areas and convert them to agricultural land. In the image, isolated patches of intact forest appear deep green, while agricultural lands and tropical savannas appear lighter green.

The capital of Uruguay, Montevideo is visible as a small gray patch.   Uruguay’s southern coast, near the mouth of Rio de la Plata. On the opposite side of the river, slightly further west is the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires.

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