What is Naturescaping? - Earth.com

What is Naturescaping?

Naturescaping is a term that is in reference to a method of landscape design and landscaping that allows people, as well as nature, to exist. By including certain plants, particularly the native ones, into ones yard, one can attract beneficial insects, birds, and other creatures, and aid in keeping our rivers and streams in a healthy state.

Widespread urban growth and urban sprawl over the last century has had an important impact on habitat that birds and other wildlife once called home. Homeowners with yards and gardens have a distinctive opportunity to restrain this loss of habitat by creating their own backyard wildlife harden, a wildlife sanctuary.

Naturescaping takes some of its principles from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s GreenScaping  or Beneficial Landscaping programs which strive to reduce water, chemical, and energy usage. Naturescaping is an organic discipline of this practice that’s easily adaptable to backyards.

Image Caption: The garden found in the Science faculty of National University of Singapore. Credit: David/Wikipedia

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