Intro to the Most Common Wedding Flowers - Earthpedia -
bouquet wedding flowers

Intro to the Most Common Wedding Flowers

There’s a lot that goes into planning a wedding celebration. When it comes to wedding flowers, it can be difficult to know where to start. What’s popular? What’s cliche? What buds will add vibrancy to the occasion and which ones will droop away before the day is over?

Below is a list of popular wedding flowers which includes fun facts, budgeting tips, and even some ideas for sending secret messages to your soon-to-be spouse as you walk down the aisle.




Perhaps the most popular display when it comes to romance, it’s no surprise that roses are a timeless choice when it comes to wedding flowers. Roses come in a variety of colors and can infuse any event with a classic, amorous feel. Because of their popularity, roses are available year-round and can also be a budget-friendly option for wedding flowers.

Another cool fact about roses that you probably didn’t know? Often, vineyard owners and managers will plant roses near their grape vines. The rose bushes serve as a way to forecast any unwanted circumstances for the vineyard as a whole. This is because the roses will show the signs of stress sooner than the grapes, giving farmers and growers a head start on combating the problem.  





Thought to represent a happy life and good marriage, peonies are another common choice when it comes to wedding flowers. This big, fluffy, fragrant flower can add vibrancy to any occasion with ease. They are most often found in shades ranging from white to burgundy, with a variety of blush-shades in between. However, if you’re set on using peonies as your wedding flowers, you’ll have to plan ahead. Peonies are seasonal and might not be available unless you’re tying the knot during the spring and summer months where you live.





These bright, showy flowers are often one of the first signs that spring has arrived. What better way to symbolize hope and lightness on your wedding day? Tulips aren’t just pretty flowers to place in your bouquet, though. They have a strange and fascinating history. First cultivated in Persia, the tulip began a mad frenzy when it reached the west, culminating in the Dutch Tulip mania, which is considered by some historians to be the first speculative economic bubble burst. In 1638, at the peak of this mania, the most expensive tulip of all time, the Semper Augustus, was sold for 13,000 florins in the Netherlands (the same price as an upscale home of the time). The tulip market crashed shortly after.

Not to worry, tulips won’t cost you nearly as much nowadays.





Dahlias are a great option for wedding flowers because of their colorful, big varieties. Certain variations can reach the size of a dinner plate. Their appearance is often symmetrical and very satisfying to look at, plus their growing season coincides perfectly with wedding season. They’re affordable and beautiful. An obscure fact about these wedding flowers? They’re named after the 18th-century botanist Anders Dahl who originally categorized the flower as a vegetable. He wasn’t altogether incorrect – the tubers of the dahlia are edible.





The beautiful ranunculus flower is another popular choice for wedding flowers. Native to Asia, this plant is also celebrated for its healing properties. Folk medicine recognizes ranunculus as an aid to relieve colds, chest pains, and rheumatism. According to the language of flowers, a fistful of ranunculus means “I am dazzled by your charms.” Not a bad message to send as you walk down the aisle, right?





Native to southern and eastern Asia as well as the Americas, hydrangeas are popular decorative plants that can make for great wedding flowers. Their giant orb-like blossoms are light and airy. Hydrangeas’ typical coloring can span from blue to pink to white. Some plants will even shift colors from year to year. These changes occur due to shifts in the soil acidity, but it certainly adds a magical quality to this blooming beauty. Unlike some other wedding flowers, Hydrangeas are also long-lasting, so you can make the most of them even after they’re cut for arrangments.



calla lily

Calla Lily

Sought after for centuries, the calla lily is a well-loved addition to many selections of wedding flowers, even though its name is quite deceiving. Neither a calla plant nor a lily plant, this wedding flower is named after the Greek word for beauty. The bloom is usually white, but can also be found in yellow, pink, orange, and black varieties. Each color is said to connotate a different message. Purple denotes passion, while white communicates innocence. Depending on what you’d like to say with your bouquet of wedding flowers, you can use certain colors to encode a secret message – a fun and romantic twist to what will hopefully be a really beautiful celebration.


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