Animated brain waves used to promote relaxation -

Animated brain waves used to promote relaxation


Animated brain waves used to promote relaxation Animated brain waves used to promote relaxation Today’s Video of the Day from RMIT University features Inter-dream, a virtual reality experience that has been designed to put users into a tranquil and positive state of mind while resting. 

The system consists of an interactive bed and ambient music controlled by artists. The brainwaves of the subjects are projected onto the back walls of the exhibition space as an animation. 

Individual brain waves are represented by a certain color, while the intensity of each brain wave is represented by movement. Animated brain waves used to promote relaxation as shown above in the video shows the effects and signs of happiness it puts people in. Therefore the state of mind during this type of relaxtion helps the body and mind to ease off any stress someone may be dealing with. Therefore this is an important act for everyone to take time for in order to reset the mind, body and soul. 

“Technology and sleep are always talked about as incompatible,” said PhD researcher Natahan Semertzidis. “Our findings flip that notion upside down and show how technology can also aid rest and relaxation.” Resetting the mind, body and soul is important and is neccesary for the well being and health of your mind and body to reset your brain. 

“Results demonstrated statistically significant decreases in pre-sleep cognitive arousal and negative emotion.”

“EEG readings were also indicative of restorative restfulness and a clear mind, while interview responses described experiences of mindfulness.” Animated brain waves used to promote relaxation as shown above in video will show the significance.

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Video Credit: RMIT University

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