World Manta Day: Celebrating our majestic ocean giants

World Manta Day: Celebrating our majestic ocean giants

On September 17th, people around the globe unite to celebrate World Manta Day. This special day is dedicated to manta and devil rays, which are facing multiple threats such as unsustainable tourism, entanglement, and climate change.

World Manta Day was established to increase awareness about these majestic marine animals. The goal is share comprehensive knowledge about manta rays, their kin, and the habitats they occupy. 

As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and through increased awareness, we can aspire to protect these magnificent creatures for future generations.

Cultural significance of manta rays

Manta rays have been admired and respected by various cultures throughout history, holding a special place in the spiritual traditions of many coastal communities. 

In some cultures, manta rays are symbols of good luck and prosperity. Other cultures believe that manta rays have supernatural powers and are associated with creation myths and folklore. 

In Hawaii, for example, manta rays are considered to be the physical embodiment of powerful spirits and are revered as aumakua, or ancestral guardians. 

Many Hawaiian people believe the manta represents wisdom, grace, strength, and flow.

The manta mystery

Mantas are intriguing not just for their size, but also their complex biology and behavior. They are close relatives of sharks and rays, boasting a cartilaginous skeleton. 

Despite their imposing size – some stretching up to seven meters wingtip to wingtip – they feed primarily on microscopic zooplankton. 

Their bellies display a unique spot pattern, equivalent to our fingerprints, which can be used to identify individual rays. 

Big brains

Intriguingly, mantas possess one of the largest brains among fish, suggesting a high degree of intelligence and intricate social behaviors.

These creatures are known for their intelligence, displaying a higher brain-to-body ratio than any other fish species studied thus far. 

Social creatures, they can often be found in sizable groups, frequenting cleaning stations in shallow waters during the day and delving into deeper realms at night to feed.

Concerns about mantas

Sadly, their majestic presence hasn’t shielded them from threats. The giant manta ray’s reproduction rate is alarmingly low, with a single female producing an estimated 4-7 offspring throughout her lifetime. 

A burgeoning demand for their gill plates has resulted in targeted fishing. Given their low reproductive rate, recovery from overexploitation would be a long, challenging process. 

Reflecting this concern, the IUCN has classified the giant manta ray as endangered and its cousin, the reef manta ray, as vulnerable.

More about manta rays 

Manta rays are among the most majestic and graceful marine creatures in the world. 


There are two main species of manta rays: the giant manta ray (Manta birostris) and the reef manta ray (Manta alfredi).


Manta rays are characterized by their large, flat bodies with triangular pectoral fins. They possess two horn-like cephalic lobes on their heads, which gives rise to their common nickname “devil rays.”


The giant manta ray is the larger of the two species, reaching wing spans (from tip to tip of their pectoral fins) of up to 7 meters (23 feet) or more. The reef manta ray is smaller, with a wingspan of up to 3.5 meters (11.5 feet).


Manta rays are filter feeders. They consume large quantities of zooplankton, including tiny shrimp, krill, and microscopic plankton. The cephalic lobes help channel water and plankton into their mouths.


While manta rays can be found in tropical, subtropical, and temperate oceans worldwide, they are often associated with coastal areas, coral reefs, and seamounts.


Manta rays give birth to live young, typically producing one or two pups every few years. The gestation period can be over a year.

Why manta conservation matters

Manta rays are more than just oceanic wonders; they are integral to marine ecosystems’ health. As filter feeders, they play a pivotal role in maintaining the marine food chain’s balance. 

They also hold significant economic value for coastal communities, especially in places like the Maldives, where manta ray tourism is a major revenue source.

Ways to celebrate World Manta Day

Educate & spread awareness

Utilize platforms like the World Manta Day and MarAlliance websites to arm yourself with knowledge. Then, share this information on social media, amplifying the manta rays’ plight.

Support conservation

Pledge to consume only sustainably sourced seafood. Seek out and support manta ray-centric charities and research initiatives.

Be a mindful tourist

Adhering to local codes is crucial when diving or snorkeling near these creatures. Remember, despite their size, mantas are harmless and are a favorite among divers.

Contribute to research

Your manta ID photos can be a goldmine for researchers, assisting them in understanding these creatures better.

Symbolic adoptions

By adopting a manta through certain organizations, you can aid in funneling resources toward conservation and research.

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