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First-ever "extinction alert" issued for the vaquita porpoise

The International Whaling Commission (IWC) sounded the alarm this week, issuing its first-ever extinction alert concerning the critically endangered vaquita porpoise. 

This small marine mammal, known to be the tiniest among porpoises and within the cetacean order in terms of size, is facing a daunting threat to its existence.

Vaquitas, which grow up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) long, are unique to the northern reaches of Mexico’s Gulf of California. This area is often called the “Aquarium of the World” due to its rich biodiversity. 

Shocking state of decline 

Since its recognition as a critically endangered species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List in 1996, the vaquita population has seen a shocking decline. 

According to IWC data, vaquita numbers plummeted from approximately 570 to a mere 10 within the past decade.

Extinction alert for the vaquita

This extinction alert is a pioneering effort by the IWC’s scientific committee to amplify concerns regarding the possible extinction of various cetacean species. 

“Despite nearly thirty years of repeated warnings, the vaquita hovers on the edge of extinction due to gillnet entanglement,” the commission highlighted. 

Dangers of gillnets 

These gillnets, although outlawed in the region, persist in ensnaring not only the shrimp and totoaba fish, which are the prime targets but also the innocent vaquita as an unintended “bycatch.”

Totoaba fishing has been banned in the Gulf of California since 1975. However, the demand for the fish’s swim bladder, especially in China for its use in traditional medicines, keeps the illicit practice alive. 

The IWC’s scientific committee remains hopeful for the vaquita. They believe that stricter enforcement against gillnet use could pave the way for their recovery.

The dangers of gillnets have long been recognized, prompting the IWC to employ the extinction alert. 

The vaquita is in a race against time

The goal is not just to spotlight these warning signs, but to also “generate support and encouragement at every level for the actions needed now to save the vaquita,” said the IWC.

“The extinction of the vaquita is inevitable unless 100% of gillnets are substituted immediately with alternative fishing gears that protect the vaquita and the livelihoods of fishers.”

Glimmer of hope 

IWC spokesperson Kate Wilson said that vaquitas “have surprised us all by managing to maintain a population of only around 10 animals for about five years.” 

A calf’s sighting during a recent survey gives a glimmer of optimism. “But with such a small population, the gillnets will get them in the end if they are not removed,” said Wilson. 

History of vaquitas

Diving into the history of this resilient marine mammal, vaquitas have thrived in the shallow 50-meter deep waters of the Gulf of California for over 2.5 million years since their Pleistocene era ancestors. They have adapted to feast on fish, squid, and small crustaceans. 

Historically, their numbers have oscillated between a few thousand to 5,000 over the past 250,000 years, as per the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, marking an unusual pattern distinct from other marine mammals.

This unique population structure has its advantages. Kirk Lohmueller of UCLA shed light on this last year, explaining that small populations can often accumulate harmful mutations. 

But in the case of the vaquitas, with a life expectancy of 21 years, their limited genetic variation reduces inbreeding risks, safeguarding them from potentially lethal genetic mutations.

More about vaquitas

The vaquita porpoise is not just any marine animal. It’s the world’s smallest cetacean, a creature that wears a permanent smile and sports distinctive dark rings around its eyes.

However, its diminutive size and endearing appearance belie a grim reality: it stands as the most endangered marine mammal in the world. The name “vaquita” is Spanish for “little cow.”

Here are some more details about this intriguing and elusive creature:

Physical appearance

The vaquita has a small and robust body, spanning up to 1.5 meters in length. Its skin is primarily gray, but its belly lightens to a pale gray or white.

This porpoise exhibits distinctive dark rings around its eyes and dark patches on its lips, which give it a unique appearance. Short, broad flippers and a tall, triangular dorsal fin enable it to navigate its marine habitat with ease.

Vaquita habitat

The vaquita inhabits the northern part of the Gulf of California, also known as the Sea of Cortez, in Mexico.

This shallow marine area provides the exclusive natural habitat for this critically endangered porpoise. The vaquita’s range is limited, making it one of the most geographically restricted marine mammals.

Plight of the vaquita

So, what has brought the vaquita to the brink? As mentioned above, the answer lies primarily in fishing nets. Gillnets, designed to catch the prized totoaba fish, have unintentionally ensnared and drowned countless vaquitas.

The totoaba’s swim bladder fetches high prices in black markets, especially in Asia, for supposed medicinal properties. This lucrative trade has kept the gillnet business booming, with devastating consequences for the vaquita.

Conservation efforts

Many organizations and governments recognize the urgency of the vaquita’s situation. They have responded with a series of protective measures:

Gillnet ban

Mexico has implemented a permanent ban on gillnet fishing in the vaquita’s habitat. This move aims to remove the primary threat to these creatures. However, enforcement remains a challenge due to the lucrative nature of the totoaba trade.


This ambitious project sought to capture and breed vaquitas in a protected environment. But, it came to a halt when a captured vaquita died, emphasizing the species’ vulnerability and the risks associated with such efforts.

Awareness campaigns

Numerous NGOs and international bodies, including the World Wildlife Fund and the International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita, are working tirelessly to raise awareness about the vaquita’s plight.

Alternative fishing techniques

Efforts are underway to introduce and popularize vaquita-safe fishing methods. By providing fishermen with alternatives to gillnets, we can protect the vaquita without jeopardizing livelihoods.

Collective responsibility

Saving the vaquita requires global cooperation. While the responsibility largely falls on Mexico, international consumers also play a role, especially in the demand for totoaba products. Curtailing this demand can choke the illegal trade that endangers the vaquita.

The Bigger Picture

The story of the vaquita offers a broader lesson about human impact on the environment. It reminds us that every action has consequences, sometimes affecting species we barely know exist. The vaquita’s story is one of many, but it’s emblematic of the fragile balance that exists in nature.

In summary, the vaquita porpoise symbolizes the delicate relationship between human livelihoods and the preservation of biodiversity. As we continue to strive for a balance, the fate of the vaquita hangs in the balance.

This terrible situation is a poignant reminder of the urgency and importance of conservation. It is our collective duty to ensure that the world doesn’t lose this small, smiling porpoise to the annals of history.

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