Pollution is a greater health threat than we ever imagined

Pollution is a greater health threat than we ever imagined

Pollution poses a greater health threat than war, terrorism, malaria, HIV, tuberculosis, drugs, and alcohol combined. This shocking revelation is discussed in a recent series of articles published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

The experts, led by the University of Edinburgh and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai focused on global warming, air pollution, wildfire smoke, and lesser-known pollutants like soil, noise, light, and toxic chemicals.

Bombarded with pollutants 

“Every year around 20 million people worldwide die from cardiovascular disease with pollutants playing an ever-increasing role,” said Jason Kovacic, Director and CEO of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute.

“Pollutants have reached every corner of the globe and are affecting every one of us. We are witnessing unprecedented wildfires, soaring temperatures, unacceptable road noise and light pollution in our cities and exposure to untested toxic chemicals in our homes.”

“Our bodies are being bombarded with pollutants from every angle and they are taking a toll on our heart health. The evidence suggests that the number of people dying prematurely because of these very different forms of pollution is far higher than currently recognized.”

Health threats of pollution 

Pollutants such as smoke and toxins, inhaled deeply into the respiratory tract, cause oxidative stress and damage organs, including the heart. 

“Air pollution, a harmful mix of solid particles and gases, endangers human health worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that 99% of the world’s population resides in places where air quality standards are not being met,” wrote the study authors.

Noise and light pollution affect sleep patterns, drive inflammation, and increase blood pressure and weight gain. Extreme heat can cause dehydration, cardiovascular strain, and acute kidney failure.

Pollution and heart disease 

“Whilst many of these biological mechanisms are known, we still have a huge gap in our understanding of the link between pollutants and heart disease,” said Kovacic.

“There are hundreds of thousands of chemicals that haven’t even been tested for their safety or toxicity, let alone their impact on our health. We also need to discover if there are other risk factors that make people more susceptible – such as pre-existing conditions, lifestyle factors or where they live.”

Exposure to pollution 

According to the scientists, in the future, people should be routinely tested for exposure to more pollutants, just like children are now tested for lead exposure in the USA.

Unfortunately, while the environmental crisis is imminent, and its impact on health is increasingly noticed, the impetus for change seems to be sporadic. 

“Urgent action is required as climate change strides forward and pollution infiltrates the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the places we live in,” noted the researchers.

Key statistics from the study 

  • Outdoor and indoor air pollution account for over seven million premature deaths annually, with more than 50% due to cardiovascular causes like ischemic heart disease and stroke.
  • A fifth of all cardiovascular deaths are attributed to air pollution.
  • During heat waves, the risk of heat-related cardiovascular mortality may increase by more than 10%. 
  • In the USA, exposure to wildfire smoke has increased by 77% since 2002.
  • Globally, wildfire smoke is estimated to cause 339,000 to 675,000 premature deaths per year.
  • Over 300,000 new synthetic chemicals have been created since 1950, many of which have unknown safety profiles.
  • In Europe, 113 million people are affected by long-term traffic noise levels of at least 55 dB(A).

Urgent action is needed

The researchers call for urgent action, such as implementing heart-healthy urban design, such as increasing tree cover and promoting active travel. They also call for ending subsidies to the fossil fuel industry to invest in renewables and cleaner energy.

The experts also point out the need for launching public health campaigns about the dangers of air pollution and enhancing medical education to address pollution-related health risks.

Combating the health threats of pollution 

To combat the health threats of pollution, the study advocates for better monitoring of pollutants, understanding their impacts on cardiovascular disease, and identifying vulnerable communities. 

The hope is that by recognizing and addressing these dangers, society can mitigate the severe health impacts of pollution on a global scale.


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