Pollinator decline is a direct threat to food security 

Pollinator decline is a direct threat to food security 

Humans are pushing many of North America’s pollinators dangerously close to extinction, according to a newly released study. 

Led by NatureServe, the study examined nearly 1,600 species – bees, beetles, butterflies, moths, flower flies, bats, and hummingbirds – and concluded that over 22% of these pollinators are at high risk of disappearing. 

Since we rely on them for everything from fruit orchards to backyard gardens, the findings raise urgent alarms about the future of our food systems, ecosystems, and well-being.

Dire assessment of pollinator decline

This large-scale analysis, one of the first to combine so many types of pollinators, revealed that some groups are in more trouble than others. Native bees emerged as a major concern, with 34.7% at risk – leafcutter and digger bees were singled out as especially imperiled. 

Bats fared no better; all three pollinating bat species in the study also face troubling declines, while hummingbirds escaped with an overall lower threat level. 

According to the authors, the American Southwest is a “hotspot” of risk: it boasts a high diversity of pollinators but also suffers significant climate-related and human-driven stressors.

Food security is at stake

Pollinators are not just pretty insects or interesting mammals. They are the linchpins in a massive network of life, responsible for fertilizing crops and wild plants alike. 

Pollinator species contribute over $15 billion a year to the agricultural economy of North America. Their disappearance would undermine the reproduction of key plants, disrupt wildlife food webs, and cut into human livelihoods, from small-scale farms to major commercial operations. 

The authors hope this work draws attention to a bigger picture: losing pollinators doesn’t just mean fewer bees in a meadow. It means fewer seeds, fruits, and flowers – a ripple effect for everything that depends on those resources.

Human impact on pollinator decline

The findings place most of the blame on agriculture, habitat loss, urban expansion, and climate change, though the specific mix of threats varies. 

For example, the southwestern United States sees both intense urbanization and searing heat, while many farmland-heavy regions must contend with heavy pesticide use.

In Florida, for instance, the rapid development of pine rockland habitats has raised concerns that certain butterflies – with limited historical ranges – could vanish. 

The same goes for southwestern desert ecosystems where specialized pollinators are increasingly squeezed between farmland and sprawl.

Species are struggling to hold on

Dr. Jaret Daniels, a co-author of the study and curator of Lepidoptera at the Florida Museum of Natural History, has witnessed some of these pressures firsthand.

He noted that Florida harbors remarkable butterfly diversity, yet the state’s intense population growth and land conversion are leaving specialized species with fewer places to go. 

According to Daniels, we’re seeing species that already occupied tiny pockets of habitat now struggling to hold on because of urbanization – just one among the many threats identified by the study

Reversing pollinator decline 

While the data paint a grim picture, the study also highlights actions people can take. Policymakers could integrate at-risk pollinators into wildlife action plans, unlocking more funds and legal safeguards. 

Land managers might set aside or restore key habitats like grasslands and shrublands, which support many fragile pollinator communities. 

Meanwhile, homeowners can adopt pollinator-friendly landscaping, from replacing turf with native plants to reducing pesticide use. Little steps, such as planting a few pots of native flowers, truly make a difference, noted Daniels. 

Working farmland, too, can make space for pollinators. Daniels describes how Florida’s Department of Transportation plants milkweed along roadsides: pollinators that feed there can then travel to nearby farms, helping pollinate crops like blueberries and squash. 

Over time, well-managed roadsides and farm edges become vital corridors for creatures that can roam far beyond a single flower bed.

A broader perspective

One might ask, why not rely solely on the western honey bee? Daniels warns that placing all our bets on just one species poses risks, especially with pests, diseases, and climate extremes on the rise. 

He compares it to a retirement plan: if you invest in only one stock, trouble with that stock could be disastrous. A diverse set of pollinators spreads out the risk and ensures pollination services remain stable.

Swift action is needed

While these newly identified threats are serious, Daniels remains cautiously optimistic, noting that pollinators are resilient if given the right support. The study’s authors likewise call for swift action, pointing to targeted, everyday solutions that individuals, farmers, and governments can pursue. 

By fostering habitat patches, easing up on pesticides, and recognizing the value of each native pollinator’s unique role, it may be possible to stem the tide of species declines before it is too late.

Above all, the message is clear: pollinators are in trouble, but there are proven measures we can take to help slow their decline. 

With nearly one in five pollinators imperiled, the time for more decisive conservation steps has arrived. After all, the fate of many of our favorite foods and the health of countless ecosystems depend on safeguarding these busy creatures.

The study is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


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