Poll: 76 Percent Of Americans Believe Climate Change Is Happening

Poll: 76 Percent Of Americans Believe Climate Change Is Happening

Poll: 76 Percent Of Americans Believe Climate Change Is Happening. The latest results reveal the largest consensus since political scientists at Texas started polling on the subject in 2012.

Slowly but surely, attitudes about global warming among the American public are beginning to more closely reflect those held by scientists.

The latest results from the University of Texas, Austin Energy Poll show that more than three out of every four Americans think “climate change is happening” — 76 percent of respondents. Even the majority of Republicans now acknowledge global warming, with 59 percent saying the climate is changing.Poll: 76 Percent Of Americans Believe Climate Change Is Happening

The latest results reveal the largest consensus since political scientists at Texas started polling on the subject in 2012 — and a 68 percent increase since last year.

“This groundbreaking public opinion poll measures and reports biannually (October and April) on consumer opinions and attitudes toward energy consumption, pricing, development and regulation,” researchers write on the homepage explaining the Energy Poll.

Among the drivers of climate change implicated by believers, deforestation, coal, oil and natural gas beat out natural forces (not man made), indicating that the majority of respondents acknowledge climate change as at least partially anthropogenic.

The percentage of Americans who deny climate change flat out also dropped in the latest findings, from 22 percent in 2012 to 14 percent.

Credit: UPI

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